


Reach Out To Me, the Movie


As part of my MFA thesis, I collaborated with screenwriter and director Sean Chung to produce a short thriller which questions the relationship between carefully curated social media content and our own identities.

In hindsight, the creative direction and the narrative structure of our project resembles astoundingly those of Netflix’s “Black Mirror”, although it was made prior to the popular TV series. (Humblebrag.) After all, technological cynicism isn’t anything new, and it’s not going away any time soon.

Watch the film on Vimeo (10 min).


San Franciscocoa


A graphic novel about the adventure of shopping for hot cocoa on a chilly night in the dystopian city of San Francisco.


Alpenliebe, the TV Commercial


Of all the projects I was part of at J. Walter Thompson Shanghai, I am quite proud of the Alpenliebe TV commercial. It’s just so fun. My role as a junior designer was to work with the Art Director to sketch out and storyboard the idea of a wonderland centered around candy and magic, in which the characters find themselves when they taste the toffee flavored candy.