
Service Design


Improve Efficiency and Engagements for Innova’s Teacher Training and Development Program


Innova is the largest private school network in Peru focused on affordable and high quality education enabled by a set of custom-built digital tools for students and teachers. However the schools experienced retention problem with new teachers as the student population surged. Innova tasked my project team to investigate the problem and to design a more efficient and engaging teacher training program. 

Leading the UX research and design for the digital tools portion, I worked closely with business designers, pedagogy experts and end users to analyze frictions and inefficiency of existing program and to map them to UX improvements of the software tools. The results included more fitted training content and formats for different teacher levels, and a simplified performance metric that also takes into consideration the content contributed by teachers.

One thing I’m proud to have accomplished was taking the hypothesis and quickly building a site populated with real curriculum content and desired user interaction, and got a group of teachers to use it over a period of time. This way, we were able to gather more actionable and less biased feedback for the proposed software changes.

In close collaboration with Miki Heller and Annette Diefenthaler.

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Modernizing Wells Fargo's Teller Software and Service Workflow


As part of a multi-disciplinary team, I helped Wells Fargo refresh the UX of their teller-facing software and design a service workflow aimed to reduce wait time and increase satisfaction for customers.

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For the teller-facing software design, I worked with another UX designer to explore a variety of interactive patterns and developed an interactive prototype used for mock teller training. For the workflow design, I was responsible for iterating on the service blueprint based on stakeholder feedback and visualizing it through user journeys.

It was a fun challenge where we were designing with a lot of constraints, e.g. dense information on a low-resolution screen, supporting keyboard-only operation, and tailoring information flow on the screen to the conversation that is gong on between the teller and customer.

In close collaboration with Peter Hyer, Marco Triverio, Kate Piper and Allison Payne.